tome 7 what's next

série: Polar/Erdman
éditeur: Bantam Books
auteur: Erdman Paul E.
classement: carton 46
année: 1988
format: broché
état: TBE/N
valeur: 5 €
critère: *
remarques: English book

the story of the development of an economical period
starting with the year 1987 ( = black monday in october 1987
with a downfall of 23% in one day on the stock market
which was unique in history)
n.b. and what was 1929 in comparison?
followed by a period of grace = 1988 when prosperity
went slowly down = paradise lost, again followed
by the crash of 1989 and the year 1990 = road to recovery

>> p. 18 again the dependence on foreign capital
>> p. 22 the "bandwagon effect" = money invested into the stock market
by mutual funds, pension funds and insurance funds

>> p. 41 the Keynesian stimulus =
Reaganomics (economic policies of Reagan)
= creation of prosperity through artificial stimulation of demand
by government spendings (causing then deficits)

>> p. 51 the theory of the "J-curve",
i.e. that a nation's foreign trade gets worse
following a currency devaluation and then improving rapidly

>> p. 54 the influence of oil imports
being the largest item in the US trade deficit
(n.b. no longer in 2010)

>> p. 57 the case of "oversupply" causing the recession of 1989
either a V-shaped of U-shaped recession
>> p. 60 first principle is to watch the market every day
but most people simply do not have the time
to play the ups and downs of the market
>> p. 65 during a recession, one has principally
to protect one's own assets on the stock market (n.b. but how?)

>> p. 72 history of economic recessions from 1906 to 1989
facit: after a major market downturn,
a recession has followed after about one year
>> p. 77 the "buyouts" of managers to prevent
hostile take-overs from foreign companies so called "asset strippers"
(but this usually cost a lot of money!)
- the "leveraging" of corporate companies
- the "spinning off" = to sell parts of a company separately to make assets

>> p. 84 the problem of the third world debt
>> p. 85 the convergence theory:
1/ a recession starts always with a reduction of consumer spending
2/ a recession is then influenced by the political tendency
of the government confronted with it
3/ unemployment starts and develops
4/ linkage effect = taking the other nations into global recession
5/ the collapse of oil price and petrodollar
6/ the large debt of Latin american countries
however Erdman develops here a theme which is well-known

>> p. 105 the problem with the OPEC cartel ,
Saudi Arabia as the "swing producer",
the rivalry between the Saudis and the Iranians
>>p. 109 the war between Iran and Irak
and its effect on the oil price

>> p. 113 Mexicans have passed from poverty to misery

>> p. 129 the problem of US banks having to get enough cash
for their depositors while having to write off
reserves for uncollectable debts in LDC
(lesser developed countries)
>> p. 131 the result hereof being a systematic bank crisis

>> p. 157 Switzerland = the safest of the save havens,
therefore Swiss banks are always flushed with cash
and as a result interest rates in Switzerland are always rather low
>> also Switzerland does not regard dodging taxes as a crime (bank secrecy law)

>> p. 171 the American magic: high technology,
venture capital and entrepreneurship

>> this time Erdman is becoming a financial adviser
and develops a rather good description
of complicate affairs into relatively simple matters
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