Tolkien, journeys of Frodo

série: Heroic-Fantasy
éditeur: Unwin 1984
auteur: Strachey Barbara
classement: biblio619
année: 1984
format: broché
état: TBE
valeur: 15 €
critère: *
remarques: Tolkien, journeys of Frodo,
an atlas of the lord of the rings

atlas of fifty-one maps covering Frodo's journey,
it serves as a companion to the three books
of the lord of the rings,
to be used whilst reading the story,
it will help the reader to envisage the country
through which the route passes
and to keep track of each day's adventures

departure from the Shire (= Hobbit lands)
to Mordor and Orodruin (mount Doom)

>> quite interesting but also
rather difficult to follow

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