no10 the sacred serpent of Set BV

série: Conan, savage sword
dessinateur / scénariste: Collectif
éditeur: Marvel USA
genre: Heroic-Fantasy
classement: carton132
date: 1976
format: broché
état: TBE
valeur: 10 €
critère: **
remarques: Savage Sword no 10, serie 2929, February 1976
cover Boris Vallejo

1/ Conan, the sacred serpent of Set
by Roy Thomas and John Buscema
part 2) in the halls of the dead
part 3) out of the dust, shall Acheron arise
part 4) drums of peril
part 5) the road to Acheron

2/ portrait of the Cimmerian
as a middle-aged king
by various artists of Conan
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