no 1 a king comes riding

série: Kull the Conqueror
dessinateur / scénariste: Collectif
éditeur: Marvel USA
genre: Heroic-Fantasy
classement: carton131
date: 1971
format: broché
état: neuf
valeur: 20 €
critère: **
remarques: commentary about king Kull >> see Kull barbarian king,
no 1 Kull and the Barbarians
100% colour for a price of 20 cents

Kull the conqueror, a king comes riding
the origin of Kull the barbarian
number 1, June 1971
by Roy Thomas and Ross Andru+Wally Wood

>>> this first issue is exceptional as from
the script and the illustration
but the best illustrations have been done
by Marie Severin, unfortunately up to No. 10 only,
after that number various artists succeeded
for the illustrations but could not match
those illustrations of Marie Severin
with the exception of artist Ernie Chan
Copyright 2008 - 2024 G. Rudolf