nos202 the sword and the scythe EC + EN

série: Conan, savage sword
dessinateur / scénariste: Collectif
éditeur: Marvel USA
genre: Heroic-Fantasy
classement: carton133
date: 1992
format: broché
état: TBE/N
valeur: 5 €
critère: *
remarques: Savage Sword no 202, October 1992
cover Earl Norem

1/ Conan, the sword and the scythe,
Conan in the city of magicians part 1)
by Roy Thomas and Ernie Chan

2/ Kull of Atlantis, exile of Atlantis
by Roy Thomas and E.R. Cruz

n.b. a commentary of a reader of Savage Sword
in respect of the color Conan book whose format
seems to be too restricting, not enough pages
and the stories too gimmicky,
in that connection Savage Sword is much better
(despite the fact that even Savage Sword is no
longer as good as it used to be = my personal comment)
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