no 3 Segar, Hergé, McCay

série: Nemo
dessinateur / scénariste: Collectif
éditeur: Fantagraphics
genre: Etude
classement: carton130
date: 1983
format: broché
état: TBE
valeur: 6 €
critère: **
remarques: no 3 September 1983
containing Popeye, Winsor McCay and Tintin

1/ E.C. Segar's knockouts of 1923
(and low blows before and after):
the unknown thimble theatre period
by Bill Blackbeard

Segar created his outstanding graphic talent
with the appearance of the thimble theatre (1929),
but approaching its tenth anniversary, an incidental character
arrived who turned the strip, and its creator, and the syndicate
and comic strip history on its ear: Popeye, the sailor man has become
an American icon for varied reasons upon which we may speculate:
his outrageous appearance, his startling behavior paterns,
his malaprop-laden language and his superhero-strength

the answer is evidently deeper because Wimpy
who followed soon after, was if anything a more classic character,
in fact one of the most thourough-going scoundrels
in literary or comics history

the syndicate led by William Randolph Hearst kept
the strip of Popeye for more than a decade

in his beginning, Segar animated a series of Charlie Chaplin's comic papers,
then was "looping the loop", a kind of paper's theatrical advertising,
the real hit comic began with the ultimately famous strip
of the thimble theatre with Segar's signature
showing the cigar symbol which had become Segar's trademark
but his real big success war 1929 with Popeye, the sailor man

2/ Hergé: genius and friend,
a personal recollection of Tintin's creator
and his remarkable comic series
by Mike Greg (Michel Greg), a former redactor of the journal de Tintin

the success of the XXème siècle, second only in Belgium
of the enormous journal Le Soir,
then in le Petit Vingtième was published one
of the greatest comic character: Tintin and his dog Snowy

1931 the first comic books (albums) were published by editor Casterman,
created and drawn with Hergé's maniac accuracy,
with the first constructed plot (the blue lotus),
1942 saw the printing of the first color books
and 1946 the success continued with Raymond Leblanc
starting with Hergé the "journal de Tintin"

3/ interview of Winsor McCay,
life, art, animation and the danger of greasy foods
creating on the New York Herald such strips originating
Sammy Sneeze, hungry Henrietta, dream of the rarebit fiend,
poor Jake, dull care and finally his big success little Nemo in Sumberland

4/ the panel art J.R. Williams:
reveries of a rumpled age
by Donald Phelps

5/ the life and hard times of Bunker Hill, jr.
by Ron Goulart

>> quite an interesting issue

- cover of Nemo Nr. 3
- the thimble theater
showing Hogan scratching his back on the corner of a house
which was similar to a real earthquake!
- an extract of Popeye the sailor man
- an english page of Tintin (in the red sea sharks)
- an extract of dream of the rarebit fiend
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